Christmas Concert & Yolka - 12/20/2015
Following the Divine Liturgy our choir put on a fantastic Christmas concert in conjunction with our children's Yolka.
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Annual Turkey Drive - 11/25/2015
On Wednesday, Nov. 25th our parish held our annual Turkey Drive. Over 115 turkeys, hams and assorted Thanksgiving foods were donated to St Hermans House of Hospitality in Cleveland.
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Halloween Brunch - 10/25/2015
Following the Divine Liturgy everyone gathered downstairs for our annual Halloween Brunch. This is an opportunity for us to share a great meal together and to see the kids of the parish give their Halloween costumes a trial run while they serve us breakfast. After breakfast the kids went table to table trick or treating. Everyone had a great time.
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Parish Fall Outing - 10/11/2015
Following the Divine Liitgurgywe had out annual fall outing at the Duck Pond and Picnic Area (Lorain County Metro Parks). Everyone had roasted hotdogs and marshmallows! Plus we got to go to the Equestrian Center of Carlisle for an old-fashioned Horse-drawn hay ride and walk through the 6-acre corn maze!
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Sunday School Outing - 09/27/2015
To kick off our Sunday School year, the PTO sponsored an outing to African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton. Sunday School students and their families enjoyed an afternoon of wild fun.
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Bishop Paul's First Arch-Pastoral Visit - 08/23/2015
During the hierarchical liturgy, Bishop Paul awarded Fr Joseph the Kamilavka and elevated Dn Edward to Proto-deacon.
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Russian Food Festival - Day 1 - 08/14/2015
Photos from the first day of our annual Russian Food Festival.
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Relics of Ss Peter & Paul - 06/03/2015
Today, the relics of the leaders of the Apostles, Peter & Paul came to our parish. The Akathist to Ss Peter & Paul was served before the holy relics and afterwards, the faithful were able to venerate them. The relics are on loan from Holy Nativity Catholic Church in Lorain, and will remain with us until after our Patronal Feast on June 29th.
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St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visit - 04/26/2015
THis weekend our parish was blessed by the St TIkhon's Seminary Mission Choir and His Grace Bishop Sava. On Saturday evening, the choir ssng the responses to Vespers and then at our fundraiser banquet sang a number of hymns. Our parish showed its apprecistion for the seminary by donating over $11,000!
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Great & Holy Pascha - 04/12/2015
Matins of Pascha, Divine Liturgy, Vespers of Pascha & Childrens Easter Egg Hunt.
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Palm Sunday ~ First Confession Class - 04/05/2015
Today our parish not only celebrated the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, but also the graduation of our First Confession Class. Four of our parish children made their first confession on Lazarus Saturday, and we celebrated the occasion with a special coffee hour after Divine Liturgy.
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Parishioner's Milestone Birthdays Celebrated! - 02/22/2015
Following the Divine Liturgy, two of our parishioner's milestone birthdays were celebrated! Bill will be turning 90 years old and Marge will be 97! May God continue to bless them and pour his mercy and grace out upon them and their families!
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Forgiveness Vespers - 02/22/2015
Today our parish community began the Great Fast with the rite of forgiveness. As members of the same Body of Christ, we ask forgiveness of the other members for our shortcomings and any offense we may have caused them.
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Maslenitsa Luncheon - 02/15/2015
Today after the Divine Litrugy, we held our annual Maslenitsa Luncheon. Each year a different ethnic food is featured. This year we featured LEBANESE FARE including Grape Leaves. Hummus & Pita, Tabouli Salad, Beef & Vegetarian Shish-Ka-Bobs, Lebanese Rice, Green Beans in Tomato Sauce and Dessert!
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Oberlin OCF Presentation - 02/13/2015
On Friday, February 13 many of Ss Peter & Pauls parishioners travelled to Oberlin College to listen to Dr. Eugenia Constantinou speak on Doubting our Faith. Many college students also attended this excellent presentation. The following day Dr. Constantinou gave a presentation on the book of Revelation at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lorain.
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Pan-Orthodox Choir Practice - 02/11/2015
Tonight, choir members from 3 Orthodox parishes in Lorain met at St. Nnicholas Greek Orthodox Church to practice for the annual Orthodoxy Sunday Liturgy.
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Baptism of Mihajlo Sava - 02/08/2015
Our parish was blessed today by witnessing the baptism of Mihajlo Sava during the baptismal liturgy. Afterwards everyone went downstairs for a beautiful luncheon in honor of Mihajlo.
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Meeting of the Lord - 02/02/2015
Photos from the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple. On this day, candles are also blessed in the church.
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