Saints Peter & Paul Orthodox Church
An OCA Parish
Lorain, Ohio
Who We Are

The history of our parish officially began on November 30, 1913 when a group of 48 Russian Orthodox people assembled in the home of Nicholas Olszewski in Lorain. It was here that they first met for the purpose of forming a religious organization and establishing a place of worship for themselves and their children. It is interesting to note that of the 48  people present, most of them were young, single men who had recently made America their new home. These young men were mostly members of the Ss Peter & Paul Brotherhood Lodge # 123, of the Brotherhood Lodges of America. This meetings was called to order and conducted by Fr. Basil Lisenkovsky, then the pastor of St. Theodosius Cathedral in Cleveland. Before the meeting was over, our parish was born. Upon the organization of the parish, the blessing of the ruling primate of the Russian Orthodox Church in America, His Eminence Metropolitan Platon, was obtained.

Since there was no church building, it was decided to hold services at the home of Nicholas Olszewski. Later a space was rented and services were conducted by visiting priests. Fr. Basil Rubinsky was appointed as the first resident priest, and the church became very active.

Although the events that started our parish took place over 100 years ago, it is the same zeal, love and dedication to Jesus Christ that keeps our parish going strong today. The current members of Ss Peter and Paul welcome you to visit and experience the Ancient Christian faith that is far older than 100 years. Our parish maintains the Faith of the Apostles and Martyrs and original disciples of Jesus Christ. Come and See!

Daily Readings

Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.


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Service Schedule
Regular Week


          6:00 PM - Great Vespers followed by the Sacrament of Confession


          9:00 AM - 3rd & 6th Hour

          9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy


Feast Days:

          Check Calendar for Feast Day times. 

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